Monday, July 16, 2012

Good news, bad news morning

First, when I walked outside this morning- I saw a beautiful Swallow-tailed Kite (Elanoides forficatus)soaring over head. I frequently see them this time of year, soaring on the updrafts along the river.
This image is not mine, but thanks to Wikimedia Commons, and the Foresty Service.

If you see any Swallow-tailed kites- here is where you can report your sighting, the Center for Birds of Prey.

Next, the potentially sad news- while walking to the river, I heard the remaining juvenile whining for it's parents. When I trekked into the swamp- I found the youngster on it's favorite branch- but it appears to have an injured eye. I will be observing it for the next day- and if it still appears injured tomorrow, I will call in the folks from the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary to attempt a rescue. Barred owls can not survive in the wild with only one eye. It breaks my heart that Chester and Greta's first babies have both suffered injuries in our tiny preserve. Hopefully, later today or tomorrow- it will have it's eye open and can finish growing up here in Seminole Heights.
Injured owl- this morning.

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